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Janus, Februm, Mars… Do you know the divine names of the months?

Who names the months and how? Several thousand years passed until the world united around a common way of counting time. Yes, thousands. As early as five and more millennia ago, ancient civilizations discovered ways to track and record the transition of life from one cycle to another. When the sun will set for the […]

Janus, Februm, Mars… Do you know the divine names of the months? Lire la suite »

Advancing the criminal justice system at centre of the second thematic discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration

© UNODC Safeguarding victims’ rights, protecting witnesses and reporting persons, and improving criminal investigation processes Vienna (Austria), 7 December 2022 – The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), the United Nations’ (UN) principal policymaking body on crime prevention and criminal justice, held its second Thematic Discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration from […]

Advancing the criminal justice system at centre of the second thematic discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration Lire la suite »

Heart Attack on a Chip: Replicating Key Aspects of America’s No. 1 Killer

Researchers have developed a “heart attack on a chip” that replicates some key features of a heart attack in a relatively simple and easy-to-use system. It could one day serve as a testbed to develop new heart drugs and even personalized medicine. USC researchers Megan McCain and postdoc Megan Rexius-Hall have engineered a microscale model […]

Heart Attack on a Chip: Replicating Key Aspects of America’s No. 1 Killer Lire la suite »

بعض النتائج الملموسة ، لكنها تفتقد إلى نتائج التجارة

اختتم اجتماع مجلس التجارة والتكنولوجيا بين الاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة في واشنطن العاصمة ، وأدلى الرئيس بيرند لانج (S&D ، ألمانيا) بالبيان التالي اليوم: « أنتج مجلس التجارة والتكنولوجيا الثالث (TTC)

بعض النتائج الملموسة ، لكنها تفتقد إلى نتائج التجارة Lire la suite »

Scared of Shots? A Wearable Robot Can Improve Your Experience

The new robot can improve the experience of patients going through unpleasant medical procedures. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba discovered that wearing a soft robot can enhance the patient experience during medical treatments. While most of us cannot live without our cell phones, robots may soon become indispensable companions. It certainly seems so based […]

Scared of Shots? A Wearable Robot Can Improve Your Experience Lire la suite »

Ukraine: ‘Senseless war’ has triggered ‘colossal torment’: Griffiths to Security Council 

6 December 2022 Humanitarian Aid The torment being unleashed by Russia’s “senseless war”, on the people of Ukraine and beyond, is “colossal”, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Tuesday.  Amidst ongoing humanitarian operations, Martin Griffiths told ambassadors he had come to brief them in New York on “the widespread death, destruction, […]

Ukraine: ‘Senseless war’ has triggered ‘colossal torment’: Griffiths to Security Council  Lire la suite »

أفكار حول التربية الدينية للأطفال [1]

المؤلف: متروبوليت أنطوني سوروز أنا متأكد تمامًا من أن أي شخص يفهمهم ويمكنه أن ينقل إيمانه إليهم يمكنه التعامل مع الأطفال – ليس فقط المعرفة الذهنية والعقلية حول الموضوعات الدينية

أفكار حول التربية الدينية للأطفال [1] Lire la suite »

Ukraine: Missile strikes threaten millions facing cold and hungry winter 

5 December 2022 Humanitarian Aid A UN Spokesperson said on Monday that another wave of missile strikes in Ukraine has further damaged the country’s energy system, leaving millions of people without electricity and water as temperatures dip below freezing.  At the regular press briefing in New York, Associate Spokesperson Stéphanie Tremblay told journalists that according […]

Ukraine: Missile strikes threaten millions facing cold and hungry winter  Lire la suite »

Scientists Discover That Reduced Activity and High Sugar Consumption Is Worse for Men Than Women

According to the research, only in men did a sedentary lifestyle and excessive sugar consumption cause lower insulin-stimulated leg blood flow and a decline in a protein called adropin. The study involved short-term exposure to decreased activity and increased sugar intake. New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine provides the first evidence […]

Scientists Discover That Reduced Activity and High Sugar Consumption Is Worse for Men Than Women Lire la suite »

16 Days of Activism: Women in law enforcement gaining community trust

As part of the UN Secretary-General’s campaign for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022, entitled “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls”, UNODC is showcasing its activities around the world that help to accelerate efforts to end violence against women and girls through a series of web stories. Today, we hear […]

16 Days of Activism: Women in law enforcement gaining community trust Lire la suite »

محاربة العنف الجنسي المرتبط بالنزاع في أوكرانيا

نظرًا لأن الغزو الروسي يقوض أمن الأوكرانيين في جميع أنحاء البلاد ، فإن الخطر على النساء والفتيات مضاعف. « ليس هناك شك في أنه لا أحد يشعر بالأمان بسبب حرب روسيا

محاربة العنف الجنسي المرتبط بالنزاع في أوكرانيا Lire la suite »