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QATAR In the shadow of the Football World Cup, a forgotten issue: the situation of the Baha’is

In the shadow of the Football World Cup in Qatar, voices of non-Muslims have been heard and listened to at the European Parliament at a conference organized on 6 December by Dutch MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen under the title “Qatar: Addressing the limitations of religious freedom for Bahá’ís and Christians.” This initiative of MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen, a […]

QATAR In the shadow of the Football World Cup, a forgotten issue: the situation of the Baha’is Lire la suite »

COVID-19 Linked to Signs of Possible Long-Term Liver Injury

According to the results of a new study, COVID-19 infection is associated with increased liver stiffness, a sign of possible long-term liver injury. COVID-19 Patients Show Liver Injury Months After Infection <span class= »glossaryLink » aria-describedby= »tt » data-cmtooltip= » COVID-19 First identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China, COVID-19, or Coronavirus disease 2019, (which was originally called « 2019 novel coronavirus » […]

COVID-19 Linked to Signs of Possible Long-Term Liver Injury Lire la suite »

قطر: في ظل كأس العالم لكرة القدم ، قضية منسية: وضع المسيحيين

في ظل كأس العالم لكرة القدم في قطر ، تم سماع أصوات غير المسلمين والاستماع إليها في البرلمان الأوروبي في مؤتمر نظمه النائب الهولندي بيرت جان رويسن في 6 ديسمبر

قطر: في ظل كأس العالم لكرة القدم ، قضية منسية: وضع المسيحيين Lire la suite »

Challenging the Prevailing View – 45,000-Year-Old Ancient DNA Reveals Hidden Human History

The new findings challenge the prevailing view of human adaption. The researchers used ancient genomes to reveal new information about the human history of adaption.  Ancient DNA, including samples from human remains that are around 45,000 years old, has helped researchers understand a previously unknown aspect of humanity’s evolution. The new research, which was co-led […]

Challenging the Prevailing View – 45,000-Year-Old Ancient DNA Reveals Hidden Human History Lire la suite »

UN taps potential for trust-building on shared water resources

8 December 2022 Climate and Environment A UN-led push for greater cross-border cooperation over increasingly finite water resources, made significant progress on Thursday, after it was announced that more than 30 governments and organizations have decided to work together on the issue. “This year’s terrible floods and droughts in almost all corners of the planet […]

UN taps potential for trust-building on shared water resources Lire la suite »

أصبح رهاب المركبات ، أو الخوف من القيادة ، أكثر انتشارًا

من هم الأشخاص الذين يؤثر عليهم وكيف نتعامل معه؟ وهوفوبيا ، الخوف من القيادة ، هو نوع جديد من اضطرابات القلق التي تصيب الناس. إنه يؤثر على النساء أكثر ،

أصبح رهاب المركبات ، أو الخوف من القيادة ، أكثر انتشارًا Lire la suite »

Le leadership des jeunes, la volonté de justice, les « meilleurs signaux d’espoir » que la perte de biodiversité peut être stoppée

« Au-delà de la biodiversité, au-delà du climat, il y a une question centrale dans le monde d’aujourd’hui et c’est la justice. Nous vivons dans un système dans lequel les

Le leadership des jeunes, la volonté de justice, les « meilleurs signaux d’espoir » que la perte de biodiversité peut être stoppée Lire la suite »

Janus, Februm, Mars… Do you know the divine names of the months?

Who names the months and how? Several thousand years passed until the world united around a common way of counting time. Yes, thousands. As early as five and more millennia ago, ancient civilizations discovered ways to track and record the transition of life from one cycle to another. When the sun will set for the […]

Janus, Februm, Mars… Do you know the divine names of the months? Lire la suite »

Advancing the criminal justice system at centre of the second thematic discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration

© UNODC Safeguarding victims’ rights, protecting witnesses and reporting persons, and improving criminal investigation processes Vienna (Austria), 7 December 2022 – The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), the United Nations’ (UN) principal policymaking body on crime prevention and criminal justice, held its second Thematic Discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration from […]

Advancing the criminal justice system at centre of the second thematic discussions on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration Lire la suite »

Heart Attack on a Chip: Replicating Key Aspects of America’s No. 1 Killer

Researchers have developed a “heart attack on a chip” that replicates some key features of a heart attack in a relatively simple and easy-to-use system. It could one day serve as a testbed to develop new heart drugs and even personalized medicine. USC researchers Megan McCain and postdoc Megan Rexius-Hall have engineered a microscale model […]

Heart Attack on a Chip: Replicating Key Aspects of America’s No. 1 Killer Lire la suite »

بعض النتائج الملموسة ، لكنها تفتقد إلى نتائج التجارة

اختتم اجتماع مجلس التجارة والتكنولوجيا بين الاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة في واشنطن العاصمة ، وأدلى الرئيس بيرند لانج (S&D ، ألمانيا) بالبيان التالي اليوم: « أنتج مجلس التجارة والتكنولوجيا الثالث (TTC)

بعض النتائج الملموسة ، لكنها تفتقد إلى نتائج التجارة Lire la suite »