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JPL and the Space Age: The American Rocketeer (NASA Documentary)

The GALCIT rocketeers taking a break from setting up their experimental rocket motor in the Arroyo Seco. Left to right: Rudolph Schott, Apollo M. O. Smith, Frank Malina, Edward Forman, Jack Parsons. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The American Rocketeer is the story of the origins of the world’s premiere center for the exploration of the solar system […]

JPL and the Space Age: The American Rocketeer (NASA Documentary) Lire la suite »

50% Reduction: Having More Children Lowers the Risk of a Common Cancer

Endometrial cancer, also known as uterine cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the uterus (the endometrium). It is most commonly found in postmenopausal women and can cause symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and pain during sex. According to research from the University of Queensland, having more children […]

50% Reduction: Having More Children Lowers the Risk of a Common Cancer Lire la suite »

اكتشاف جديد غريب يكشف أن الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لعبت دورًا في أحداث الانقراض الجماعي

Alisporites tenuicorpus حبوب اللقاح المستخدمة في هذا العمل. لاحظ أن طول شعرة الإنسان يبلغ 70 ميكرومترًا ، لذا فإن العينات التي تم تحليلها تبلغ حوالي نصف عرض شعرة الإنسان. الائتمان:

اكتشاف جديد غريب يكشف أن الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لعبت دورًا في أحداث الانقراض الجماعي Lire la suite »

Strange New Discovery Reveals UV Radiation Played a Part in Mass Extinction Events

Alisporites tenuicorpus the pollen grain used in this work. Note a human hair is approximately 70µm so the samples analyzed are about half the width of a human hair. Credit: Prof Liu Feng from Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology New discovery of sunscreen-like chemicals in fossil plants reveals UV radiation played a part in […]

Strange New Discovery Reveals UV Radiation Played a Part in Mass Extinction Events Lire la suite »

Why do experienced chefs always put a whole onion with a clove in it in their dishes

French chefs rely on one trick – they always put a clove in the onion and the dishes become incredibly tasty. Onions prepared in this way, and sometimes garlic, are placed in a cooked dish or sauces. Why do French chefs put cloves in onions? This cooking technique suggests that dry cloves are stuck into […]

Why do experienced chefs always put a whole onion with a clove in it in their dishes Lire la suite »

Global Religious Dialogues Discuss Global Peacemaking

By  —  Shyamal Sinha On December 17, 2022, HWPL held an online event under the theme of ‘Great Religious People in the History of Each Country all over the world’. The event, attended by 114 participants as selected religious leaders and citizens, was designed to harmonize religious and overcome the difficulties due to Covid-19 and economic […]

Global Religious Dialogues Discuss Global Peacemaking Lire la suite »

العلماء يبتكرون أول «  عضويات  » من نخاع العظام البشري

مقطع عرضي من عضيات نخاع العظم المصغر يظهر الخلايا التي تنتج الصفائح الدموية في شبكة من الأوعية الدموية. الائتمان: د. أ. خان ، جامعة برمنغهام الباحثون في جامعة أكسفورد و

العلماء يبتكرون أول «  عضويات  » من نخاع العظام البشري Lire la suite »

The first world sensation and mystery is related to the “Mona Lisa” and Picasso

The artist is among the main suspects in the disappearance of the “Gioconda” from the Louvre Few suspect that in his youth the genius got involved in one of the most mysterious artifices – the theft of the “Mona Lisa”. The founder of Cubism was even put on trial. To this day, there is speculation […]

The first world sensation and mystery is related to the “Mona Lisa” and Picasso Lire la suite »

Cancer Research Breakthrough: Scientists Create First Human Bone Marrow ‘Organoids’

A cross-section of mini bone marrow organoids showing cells that produce blood platelets, in a network of blood vessels. Credit: Dr. A. Khan, University of Birmingham Researchers at Oxford University and the University of Birmingham have made a major breakthrough in cancer treatment by creating the first human bone marrow “organoids” that accurately replicate the […]

Cancer Research Breakthrough: Scientists Create First Human Bone Marrow ‘Organoids’ Lire la suite »

A Surprising Method for Preventing Future Pandemics: Conservation

Pandemics are global outbreaks of infectious diseases that spread rapidly and affect a large number of people. They can be caused by a variety of pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, and can have severe consequences for public health and the economy. In recent years, the world has seen several pandemics, including the HIV/AIDS […]

A Surprising Method for Preventing Future Pandemics: Conservation Lire la suite »

غير فعالة؟ وجدت دراسة جديدة القليل من الأدلة الموضوعية التي تدعم طرق التدريس المتمحورة حول المتعلم

تركز طرق التدريس التي تركز على المتعلم على احتياجات وقدرات الطلاب الأفراد ، بدلاً من اتباع منهج محدد مسبقًا. غالبًا ما تتضمن هذه الأساليب مشاركة نشطة من الطالب ، مثل

غير فعالة؟ وجدت دراسة جديدة القليل من الأدلة الموضوعية التي تدعم طرق التدريس المتمحورة حول المتعلم Lire la suite »