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New Innovative System Evaluates the Habitability of Distant Planets

The authors’ findings will make it possible for scientists to evaluate the atmospheres of many other planets efficiently without having to send a space crew to physically visit them. A computerized system categorizes planet atmospheres and determines which are viable for future settlement by humans. The climate crisis poses a significant challenge to all humans […]

New Innovative System Evaluates the Habitability of Distant Planets Lire la suite »

Scientists Discover That Binge-Eating Sweet Treats Is Influenced by Gut Microbiome

According to new California Institute of Technology (Caltech) research in mice, specific gut bacteria may suppress binge eating behavior. Gut Microbes Influence Binge-Eating of Sweet Treats in Mice We have all been there. You just meant to have a single Oreo cookie as a snack, but then you find yourself going back for another, and […]

Scientists Discover That Binge-Eating Sweet Treats Is Influenced by Gut Microbiome Lire la suite »

Zakia Khattabi souhaite interdire les exportations belges de pesticides dont l’usage est interdit sur le territoire européen

En cette journée mondiale sans pesticides, commémorant l’une des plus grandes catastrophes industrielles au monde où une fuite de gaz de pesticide a tué des milliers de personnes à Bhopal

Zakia Khattabi souhaite interdire les exportations belges de pesticides dont l’usage est interdit sur le territoire européen Lire la suite »

أنشأت Google مركزًا على الإنترنت للثقافة الأوكرانية

تسبب الحرب في أوكرانيا الكثير من الضرر للبلد بأكمله ، بما في ذلك المؤسسات الثقافية مثل المتاحف والمكتبات والمعارض وما إلى ذلك. في محاولة لإنقاذ أكبر قدر ممكن من الثقافة

أنشأت Google مركزًا على الإنترنت للثقافة الأوكرانية Lire la suite »

What would dinosaurs look like today if they hadn’t gone extinct

It is almost certain that they would not have created an intelligent civilization Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid hit Earth with the force of 10 billion atomic bombs and changed the course of evolution. As a result of climate changes caused by dust in the atmosphere, a huge percentage of all species disappear. Dinosaurs […]

What would dinosaurs look like today if they hadn’t gone extinct Lire la suite »

Surreal Video of Stressed Cells Helps Biologists Solve a Decades-Old Mystery

The University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University scientists solved a decades-old mystery regarding how cells control their volume. Crowded rooms: How Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh researchers solved a cell mystery. A surreal video of stressed cells under a microscope inspired a group of kidney physiologists and biologists from the University […]

Surreal Video of Stressed Cells Helps Biologists Solve a Decades-Old Mystery Lire la suite »

Never-Before-Seen Molecule: Webb Reveals a “Hot Saturn” Exoplanet Atmosphere

This illustration depicts the exoplanet WASP-39 b and its star. Credit: Melissa Weiss/Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian New Webb Space Telescope observations of WASP-39 b reveal a never-before-seen molecule in the atmosphere of a planet — sulfur dioxide — among other details. The telescope’s array of highly sensitive instruments was trained on the […]

Never-Before-Seen Molecule: Webb Reveals a “Hot Saturn” Exoplanet Atmosphere Lire la suite »

يجب أن يتوصل المجلس إلى موقف مشترك بشأن نظام الأفضليات المعمم ، كما تقول مقررة البرلمان الأوروبي هايدي أوتالا

أصدرت المقررة المعنية بخطة التفضيلات المعممة هايدي أوتالا (الخضر / EFA ، FI) البيان التالي يوم الأربعاء بعد فشل المجلس في الاتفاق على موقفه التفاوضي. « فشل المجلس اليوم في التوصل

يجب أن يتوصل المجلس إلى موقف مشترك بشأن نظام الأفضليات المعمم ، كما تقول مقررة البرلمان الأوروبي هايدي أوتالا Lire la suite »

A temple was left without monks – all were taking methamphetamines

A Buddhist temple in Taiwan was left without monks for the most unusual reason. All were addicted to drugs and were sent to a rehabilitation center, the world media wrote. Four monks, including an abbot from a temple in the Bung Sam Phan district of Phetchabun province, tested positive for methamphetamines. The monks have been […]

A temple was left without monks – all were taking methamphetamines Lire la suite »

New Study Finds That Deep Brain Stimulation Is Highly Effective in Treating Severe OCD

OCD is characterized by a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that cause you to engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Two-thirds of individuals treated have shown significant improvement, with a nearly 50% reduction in symptoms. The symptoms of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD as it is more popularly known, may be reduced by half […]

New Study Finds That Deep Brain Stimulation Is Highly Effective in Treating Severe OCD Lire la suite »

La Douane belge octroie aujourd’hui le certificat 3C à vingt-trois entreprises

Fluctuation des volumes commerciaux, accords commerciaux contre barrières commerciales, enchevêtrement de règles et de législations nationales et internationales, l’augmentation des flux de marchandises (e-commerce), événements perturbateurs (Brexit, pandémie COVID-19, catastrophes

La Douane belge octroie aujourd’hui le certificat 3C à vingt-trois entreprises Lire la suite »

Après avoir conclu une consultation mondiale record, l’ICETE et l’AEM envisagent les prochaines étapes de l’éducation théologique

La 18e consultation mondiale C-22 du Conseil international pour l’éducation théologique évangélique (ICETE) s’est terminée à Izmir, en Turquie, après un programme d’une semaine axé sur l’exploration des prochaines étapes

Après avoir conclu une consultation mondiale record, l’ICETE et l’AEM envisagent les prochaines étapes de l’éducation théologique Lire la suite »