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Bulgaria will extradite a Turkish colonel suspected of murdering a famous writer 20 years ago

Goktash will remain in custody until he is handed over to the Turkish side Court of Appeal – Plovdiv overturned the decision of the Haskovo District Court, which refused to extradite the murder suspect, the Turkish colonel Mustafa Levent Göktash. Instead, the Plovdiv magistrates ruled that they allow the extradition of the requested person. Göktash […]

Bulgaria will extradite a Turkish colonel suspected of murdering a famous writer 20 years ago Lire la suite »

Patriarch Bartholomew: A distorted Orthodox faith is the basis of the ideology of the Putin regime

“The distorted Orthodox faith (ie heresy in the ecclesiastical sense) is becoming the basis of the ideology of the Putin regime.” This is the main thesis of the program speech delivered by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on December 10 during the International Conference on World Politics in Abu Dhabi, which is taking place these days. […]

Patriarch Bartholomew: A distorted Orthodox faith is the basis of the ideology of the Putin regime Lire la suite »

Scientists Discover an Unexpected Danger Lurking in Ancient Mayan Cities

An image depicting an ancient Mayan temple. Mercury exposure may have been a health risk for the ancient Maya. Mesoamerica’s ancient Maya cities never cease to amaze visitors. However, an unexpected danger lurks under the soil’s surface: mercury pollution. Researchers have found in a review article published in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science that […]

Scientists Discover an Unexpected Danger Lurking in Ancient Mayan Cities Lire la suite »

يوفر نهج الحوسبة الضوئية الجديد معالجة فائقة السرعة

سرعات معالجة الكمبيوتر فائقة السرعة ممكنة مع البوابات المنطقية الضوئية التي تعمل أسرع بنحو مليون مرة من التقنيات الحالية. تعمل أجهزة المعالجة القائمة على الضوء المستقطب أسرع بمليون مرة من

يوفر نهج الحوسبة الضوئية الجديد معالجة فائقة السرعة Lire la suite »

En raison du véto flamand, la Belgique est spectatrice de négociations fondamentales pour l’intérêt de ses industries et de ses citoyens

Des négociations décisives dans le cadre de la politique européenne (paquet FitFor55) doivent avoir lieu ce vendredi. Elles auront des répercussions importantes pour l’ensemble des entreprises et des ménages belges.

En raison du véto flamand, la Belgique est spectatrice de négociations fondamentales pour l’intérêt de ses industries et de ses citoyens Lire la suite »

Automobile balance sheet of the poorest country in EU (Bulgaria): 121 Lamborghinis and 129 Ferraris

The favorite luxury choice of the richest Bulgarians remains Bentley and Rolls-Royce. Will anyone be surprised (rather not), but the world continues to flow in the logical course of development established over millennia: the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. The number of new millionaires and billionaires in the world proves it. In the […]

Automobile balance sheet of the poorest country in EU (Bulgaria): 121 Lamborghinis and 129 Ferraris Lire la suite »

Ukraine: Countries must support resilient recovery to prevent ‘cascade’ of poverty, hunger

13 December 2022 Humanitarian Aid The war in Ukraine is a “relentless humanitarian nightmare” said the UN chief on Tuesday, warning that the death and destruction afflicting civilians there will take years to overcome, and rebuild. António Guterres was addressing a one-day international summit in Paris, with leaders from around 50 nations reportedly in attendance, […]

Ukraine: Countries must support resilient recovery to prevent ‘cascade’ of poverty, hunger Lire la suite »

الجاذبية قد تسبب متلازمة القولون العصبي

وفقًا لدراسة جديدة من مركز Cedars-Sinai الطبي ، قد تكون متلازمة القولون العصبي ناجمة عن الجاذبية. توحد الفرضية الجديدة العديد من النظريات المتناقضة التي قد تساعد في تفسير السبب الكامن

الجاذبية قد تسبب متلازمة القولون العصبي Lire la suite »

One Million Times Faster Than Current Technology: New Optical Computing Approach Offers Ultrafast Processing

Ultrafast computer processing speeds are possible with optical chirality logic gates that operate about a million times faster than existing technologies. Processing devices based on polarized light run one million times faster than current technology. Logic gates are the basic building blocks of computer processors. Conventional logic gates are electronic, working by shuffling around electrons. […]

One Million Times Faster Than Current Technology: New Optical Computing Approach Offers Ultrafast Processing Lire la suite »

اعتبارًا من 1 يناير ، أصبح الواقي الذكري مجانيًا للشباب دون سن 25 عامًا في فرنسا

اعتبارًا من 1 يناير من العام المقبل ، سيحصل الشباب الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 و 25 عامًا في فرنسا على واقيات ذكرية مجانية من الصيدليات. أعلن ذلك رئيس فرنسا

اعتبارًا من 1 يناير ، أصبح الواقي الذكري مجانيًا للشباب دون سن 25 عامًا في فرنسا Lire la suite »

Potentially Dangerous Chemical Pollutants Discovered in Disposable Face Masks

Find out why mask wearers are switching to reusable masks LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, December 8, 2022 – As the holidays bring cold winter weather and indoor gatherings, many are reconsidering their mask options. Loose-fitting medical disposable masks are meant to protect the wearer from contact with larger droplets and sprays and can filter […]

Potentially Dangerous Chemical Pollutants Discovered in Disposable Face Masks Lire la suite »