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Top 7 Benefits of Milk Thistle – Backed by Science

Milk thistle, blessed milkthistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, Saint Mary’s thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, variegated thistle and Scotch thistle are all common names for Silybum marianum, is a species of thistle. Milk thistle is an ancient plant with a pinkish purple flower that was used historically as medicine. Today, it’s a popular supplement for supporting […]

Top 7 Benefits of Milk Thistle – Backed by Science Lire la suite »

العلماء يكشفون عن علاقة بين الدماغ والأمعاء من أجل التنمية الاجتماعية

يصور الرسم التوضيحي التركيب الميكروبي للبشر. وفقًا للدراسات الحديثة التي أجريت على أسماك الزرد ، تلعب ميكروبات الأمعاء دورًا في عملية تقليم الروابط الزائدة في دوائر الدماغ التي تنظم السلوك

العلماء يكشفون عن علاقة بين الدماغ والأمعاء من أجل التنمية الاجتماعية Lire la suite »

La gravité modifiée émerge comme principale explication de la matière noire suite aux nouvelles mesures de rotation de la galaxie

La matière noire est un composant fondamental du modèle cosmologique standard, mais ses mystères restent non résolus. L’une des plus grandes énigmes est le manque de preuves directes de l’existence

La gravité modifiée émerge comme principale explication de la matière noire suite aux nouvelles mesures de rotation de la galaxie Lire la suite »

Scientists Uncover a Gut-Brain Connection for Social Development

Illustration portrays the microbial makeup of human beings. According to recent studies on zebrafish, gut microbes play a role in the process of pruning excess connections in brain circuits that regulate social behavior. This pruning is crucial for the development of normal social behavior. Credit: National Human Genome Research Institute To learn to socialize, zebrafish […]

Scientists Uncover a Gut-Brain Connection for Social Development Lire la suite »

Modified Gravity Emerges as Leading Explanation for Dark Matter Following New Galaxy Rotation Measurements

Dark matter is a fundamental component of the standard cosmological model, but its mysteries remain unsolved. One of the biggest puzzles is the lack of direct evidence for the existence of dark matter particles, despite numerous searches. Some astronomers have proposed alternative theories, such as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) or modified gravity models, to explain […]

Modified Gravity Emerges as Leading Explanation for Dark Matter Following New Galaxy Rotation Measurements Lire la suite »

ECHR new decision: Why French Miviludes is in trouble

For more than two decades, the French governmental “anti-cult” agency Miviludes (acronym for French Inter-ministerial mission for monitoring and combating cultic deviances) has been making money hand over fist by calling some religious minorities “cults”, “cultic movements”, “sectarian aberrations’ type movements” and other sorts of names. We already covered the fact that Miviludes had some […]

ECHR new decision: Why French Miviludes is in trouble Lire la suite »

يكشف العلماء عن كلمتين بسيطتين يمكن أن تحسن علاقتكما

وجد البحث أن المستويات الأعلى من الامتنان المتصور تحمي الأزواج من الضغوطات الشائعة مثل الجدال غير الفعال والمشاكل المالية وتعزز استقرار العلاقة. قوة « الشكر » – الشعور بالتقدير من قبل شريكك

يكشف العلماء عن كلمتين بسيطتين يمكن أن تحسن علاقتكما Lire la suite »

Scientists Reveal Two Simple Words That Can Improve Your Relationship

The research found that greater levels of perceived gratitude protect couples from common stressors such as ineffective arguing and financial problems and promote relationship stability. The power of “thank you” – Feeling appreciated by your partner leads to increased satisfaction and protection against stressors. Gratitude has become a popular concept in recent years, with a […]

Scientists Reveal Two Simple Words That Can Improve Your Relationship Lire la suite »

Warning: New Research Indicates That Even Short-Term Exposure to a High-Fat Diet Can Trigger Pain

The study found that a high-fat diet can provoke pain sensitivity even in the absence of obesity and diabetes. A recent study of mice conducted by researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas found that short-term consumption of a high-fat diet may be linked to pain sensations, even without a preexisting injury or condition […]

Warning: New Research Indicates That Even Short-Term Exposure to a High-Fat Diet Can Trigger Pain Lire la suite »