Nom de l’auteur/autrice :EuropeanTimes

BOOK: Islam and Islamism: Evolution, current events and questions Full sail

A work published by Code9, Paris-Brussels, in September 2023, from the pen of Philippe Liénard, honorary lawyer, former magistrate, history enthusiast and author of more than twenty books relating to currents of thought. The subject is intended to be a work of historical research which highlights the differences between legend, prejudices and reality, insofar as […]

BOOK: Islam and Islamism: Evolution, current events and questions Full sail Lire la suite »

How green are European cities? Green space key to well-being – but access varies

Access to public green and blue spaces differs across Europe, according to the EEA briefing ‘Who benefits from nature in cities? Social inequalities in access to urban green and blue spaces across Europe’. The study found that cities in the north and west of Europe tend to have more green space than cities in southern and […]

How green are European cities? Green space key to well-being – but access varies Lire la suite »

Armenian Prime Minister: “We must move steadily towards peace with Azerbaijan”

In his address, Mr Pashinyan expressed his staunch defence of democratic principles against the backdrop of the multifaceted crises Armenia has been confronted with in recent years, particularly highlighting the turbulent aftermath of the 2020-2021 war and border conflict with Azerbaijan. He sought to defy those claiming that Armenia is suffering because it is a […]

Armenian Prime Minister: “We must move steadily towards peace with Azerbaijan” Lire la suite »

The world’s new hottest pepper makes more money than bear spray

Pepper X has a staggering 2.69 million Scoville units Guinness World Records has announced the world’s new hottest pepper. It’s the dreaded Pepper X with a terrifying 2,693,000 units on the Scoville scale. You can hardly imagine how hot that is, but give it a try – the world’s hottest pepper ever, the Carolina Reaper, […]

The world’s new hottest pepper makes more money than bear spray Lire la suite »

An ancient Egyptian papyrus describes a rare snake with 4 teeth and dozens of other poisonous reptiles

Written records can tell us a lot about ancient civilizations. Recent research on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus suggests more than you might think. A much more diverse range of snakes than we ever imagined lived in the land of the pharaohs – which also explains why ancient Egyptian writers were […]

An ancient Egyptian papyrus describes a rare snake with 4 teeth and dozens of other poisonous reptiles Lire la suite »

Antwerp, an eclectic city: between modern architecture and historic buildings

Antwerp, an eclectic city: between modern architecture and historic buildings Located in the north of Belgium, Antwerp is a city that has harmoniously combined modern architecture and historic buildings. This unique combination makes Antwerp a popular destination for lovers of art, history and architecture. At the heart of the city is the historic district, known […]

Antwerp, an eclectic city: between modern architecture and historic buildings Lire la suite »

RUSSIA, A Jehovah’s Witness deprived of his citizenship and deported to Turkmenistan

On September 17, 2023, employees of the Federal Migration Service, contrary to a court decision, deported Rustam Seidkuliev to Turkmenistan. Earlier, at the initiative of the FSB, his Russian citizenship was revoked due to criminal prosecution for his faith.  Seidkuliev was sentenced to two years and four months to penal colony for participating in worship services and […]

RUSSIA, A Jehovah’s Witness deprived of his citizenship and deported to Turkmenistan Lire la suite »

Scientology and the Rise of New Pragmatic Religions in Europe, A Changing Spiritual Landscape

The Church set out a red carpet for Kulturnatten (Culture Night), welcoming over 1600 people in a matter of hours to their home in the heart of Copenhagen. BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, October 26, 2023 /EIN/ — In recent times Europe has experienced a growing fascination with new practical religions, like Scientology, which has seen an increase […]

Scientology and the Rise of New Pragmatic Religions in Europe, A Changing Spiritual Landscape Lire la suite »

INDIA – Bomb attempt against Jehovah’s Witnesses’ gathering, three dead and dozens injured

A former Jehovah’s Witness claims responsibility. After Germany (March 2023) and Italy (April 2023), Jehovah’s Witnesses are now killed in a bomb attack in another democracy, India An explosive device blew up at a convention center in southern India killing three persons and wounding dozens of others on Sunday 29 October. About 2,300 Jehovah’s Witnesses […]

INDIA – Bomb attempt against Jehovah’s Witnesses’ gathering, three dead and dozens injured Lire la suite »