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Strange New Discovery Reveals UV Radiation Played a Part in Mass Extinction Events

Alisporites tenuicorpus the pollen grain used in this work. Note a human hair is approximately 70µm so the samples analyzed are about half the width of a human hair. Credit: Prof Liu Feng from Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology New discovery of sunscreen-like chemicals in fossil plants reveals UV radiation played a part in […]

Strange New Discovery Reveals UV Radiation Played a Part in Mass Extinction Events Lire la suite »

Why do experienced chefs always put a whole onion with a clove in it in their dishes

French chefs rely on one trick – they always put a clove in the onion and the dishes become incredibly tasty. Onions prepared in this way, and sometimes garlic, are placed in a cooked dish or sauces. Why do French chefs put cloves in onions? This cooking technique suggests that dry cloves are stuck into […]

Why do experienced chefs always put a whole onion with a clove in it in their dishes Lire la suite »

Global Religious Dialogues Discuss Global Peacemaking

By  —  Shyamal Sinha On December 17, 2022, HWPL held an online event under the theme of ‘Great Religious People in the History of Each Country all over the world’. The event, attended by 114 participants as selected religious leaders and citizens, was designed to harmonize religious and overcome the difficulties due to Covid-19 and economic […]

Global Religious Dialogues Discuss Global Peacemaking Lire la suite »

The first world sensation and mystery is related to the “Mona Lisa” and Picasso

The artist is among the main suspects in the disappearance of the “Gioconda” from the Louvre Few suspect that in his youth the genius got involved in one of the most mysterious artifices – the theft of the “Mona Lisa”. The founder of Cubism was even put on trial. To this day, there is speculation […]

The first world sensation and mystery is related to the “Mona Lisa” and Picasso Lire la suite »

Cancer Research Breakthrough: Scientists Create First Human Bone Marrow ‘Organoids’

A cross-section of mini bone marrow organoids showing cells that produce blood platelets, in a network of blood vessels. Credit: Dr. A. Khan, University of Birmingham Researchers at Oxford University and the University of Birmingham have made a major breakthrough in cancer treatment by creating the first human bone marrow “organoids” that accurately replicate the […]

Cancer Research Breakthrough: Scientists Create First Human Bone Marrow ‘Organoids’ Lire la suite »

A Surprising Method for Preventing Future Pandemics: Conservation

Pandemics are global outbreaks of infectious diseases that spread rapidly and affect a large number of people. They can be caused by a variety of pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, and can have severe consequences for public health and the economy. In recent years, the world has seen several pandemics, including the HIV/AIDS […]

A Surprising Method for Preventing Future Pandemics: Conservation Lire la suite »

Prehistoric Surprise: Ancient Footprints Reveal the Presence of Man in Spain 200,000 Years Earlier Than Thought

Neanderthals were a species of human that lived in Europe and Asia between about 200,000 and 30,000 years ago. They are known for their distinctive physical characteristics, such as a stocky build, a large nose, and a protruding lower jaw. Despite being closely related to modern humans, Neanderthals ultimately went extinct, possibly due to a […]

Prehistoric Surprise: Ancient Footprints Reveal the Presence of Man in Spain 200,000 Years Earlier Than Thought Lire la suite »

Turkey breaks record for deportation of illegal migrants

Turkey has deported 119,817 illegal migrants this year alone. Its efforts to combat illegal migration continue unabated, the Ministry of the Interior said. In a statement, the presidency said it was the largest number of deportations in Turkey’s history. The number of deportees increased by 159% compared to the same period in 2021, the announcement […]

Turkey breaks record for deportation of illegal migrants Lire la suite »

Ukraine: FAO and EU in $15.5 million bid to avert food crisis threat

4 January 2023 Peace and Security In Ukraine, the country’s farmers and smallholders urgently need more support to avoid a food crisis, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Wednesday, as it announced a $15.5 million initiative to help them. With funding from the European Union, the project will help sustain agricultural production in Ukraine, […]

Ukraine: FAO and EU in $15.5 million bid to avert food crisis threat Lire la suite »

Ukraine: ‘Multiple civilian causalities’ as new year dawns 

3 January 2023 Peace and Security The New Year holiday period witnessed a fresh surge of deadly attacks by Russian forces in Ukraine, Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq told journalists on Tuesday.  Citing UN humanitarian colleagues, he informed the media at the regular daily press briefing that intensified violence in different regions of the war-torn country […]

Ukraine: ‘Multiple civilian causalities’ as new year dawns  Lire la suite »

Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks – The Holy Grail of Quantum Information Sciences

In a recent study, researchers achieved high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots, a crucial development towards scalable quantum networks. Researchers demonstrated high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots — an important step toward scalable quantum networks. Last year’s Nobel Prize in Physics celebrated the fundamental interest of quantum entanglement, and […]

Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks – The Holy Grail of Quantum Information Sciences Lire la suite »

According to Scientists, Screen Time Isn’t the Problem – It’s Actually This

The study found that the amount of time teenagers spend on screens, including watching videos, playing games, and using social media, does not significantly impact their self-esteem. Despite concerns from many parents and caregivers that teenagers are spending too much time on their smartphones, video games, and social media, Keith Hampton, a professor at Michigan […]

According to Scientists, Screen Time Isn’t the Problem – It’s Actually This Lire la suite »

James Webb Space Telescope Unveils Exquisite Views of Distant Galaxies

A swath of sky measuring 2% of the area covered by the full moon was imaged with Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) in eight filters, and with Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and Wide-Field Camera 3 (WFC3) in three filters that together span the 0.25 to 5 micron wavelength range. This image represents a portion […]

James Webb Space Telescope Unveils Exquisite Views of Distant Galaxies Lire la suite »

Top 7 Benefits of Milk Thistle – Backed by Science

Milk thistle, blessed milkthistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, Saint Mary’s thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, variegated thistle and Scotch thistle are all common names for Silybum marianum, is a species of thistle. Milk thistle is an ancient plant with a pinkish purple flower that was used historically as medicine. Today, it’s a popular supplement for supporting […]

Top 7 Benefits of Milk Thistle – Backed by Science Lire la suite »

Scientists Uncover a Gut-Brain Connection for Social Development

Illustration portrays the microbial makeup of human beings. According to recent studies on zebrafish, gut microbes play a role in the process of pruning excess connections in brain circuits that regulate social behavior. This pruning is crucial for the development of normal social behavior. Credit: National Human Genome Research Institute To learn to socialize, zebrafish […]

Scientists Uncover a Gut-Brain Connection for Social Development Lire la suite »

Modified Gravity Emerges as Leading Explanation for Dark Matter Following New Galaxy Rotation Measurements

Dark matter is a fundamental component of the standard cosmological model, but its mysteries remain unsolved. One of the biggest puzzles is the lack of direct evidence for the existence of dark matter particles, despite numerous searches. Some astronomers have proposed alternative theories, such as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) or modified gravity models, to explain […]

Modified Gravity Emerges as Leading Explanation for Dark Matter Following New Galaxy Rotation Measurements Lire la suite »