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New Research Explains Why Children Avoid Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

Graphic of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 cells. Credit: Garvan Institute of Medical Research According to new research, children exhibit a robust initial immune response to the coronavirus, however, they are unable to transfer this response to long-lasting memory T cells like adults do. Researchers led by scientists at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have discovered why […]

New Research Explains Why Children Avoid Severe COVID-19 Symptoms Lire la suite »

World leaders back ‘blueprint for recovery, renewal, resilience’ in least developed countries

The Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) concluded on Thursday with countries adopting concrete measures to implement the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) – which aims to renew and strengthen commitments between LDCs and their development partners – marking a transformative turning point for the world’s most vulnerable countries. 

World leaders back ‘blueprint for recovery, renewal, resilience’ in least developed countries Lire la suite »

Archaeologists have come across a smiling sphinx near the temple of Hathor

The face of the statue has regal features, dimples and wears a traditional pharaonic headscarf in the shape of a cobra An Egyptian archaeological expedition from Ain Shams University discovered a smiling sphinx during excavations near the Temple of Hathor in Dendera (Dandara), Qena District, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Monuments announced. In the […]

Archaeologists have come across a smiling sphinx near the temple of Hathor Lire la suite »

A Roman temple discovered under a cemetery in England

Archaeologists have discovered what they believe to be a Roman temple beneath a former burial ground in a cathedral courtyard in central England. Scientists from the University of Leicester say they have discovered what they believe to be the basement of a Roman building and a fragment of an 1,800-year-old altar stone during excavations in […]

A Roman temple discovered under a cemetery in England Lire la suite »

Ukraine: IAEA chief slams ‘complacency’ over stricken Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

This is the first time the site has lost all power since November 2022 – but the sixth time that all off-site power has been cut since the Russian invasion last February – IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said, in a statement to agency directors. The agency said late on Thursday that power had been restored after 11 tense […]

Ukraine: IAEA chief slams ‘complacency’ over stricken Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant Lire la suite »

New Research Links Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Reduced Bacterial Diversity

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects the large intestine. It is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. According to a team of Korean researchers, individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) have a decreased diversity of bacteria in their intestines compared to healthy individuals. This is […]

New Research Links Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Reduced Bacterial Diversity Lire la suite »

In Ukraine, Guterres pledges to keep seeking ‘solutions and a just peace’

António Guterres expressed “deep solidarity” with all of those who have become victims of the full-scale Russian invasion of February last year. Violation of the Charter “The position of the United Nations, which I have consistently expressed, is crystal clear: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter and international law”, declared […]

In Ukraine, Guterres pledges to keep seeking ‘solutions and a just peace’ Lire la suite »

New Research Reveals Genes That Cause Rare Hidden Cancer

IHC staining of human sarcoma cells (myxoid liposarcoma). Credit: Garvan Australian scientists have created the first genetic map that pinpoints key genes responsible for sarcoma, one of the most common cancers in children. The first comprehensive genetic map of sarcomas, produced by research led by Omico, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, and UNSW Sydney, […]

New Research Reveals Genes That Cause Rare Hidden Cancer Lire la suite »

Accélérer la mise en œuvre de la CNUCC en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Sahel

© UNODC Dakar (Sénégal), le 23 novembre 2022 – Dans le monde entier, la corruption continue de représenter un obstacle important à la réalisation de la paix, de la sécurité, du développement durable et des droits de l’homme. Elle affaiblit les institutions gouvernementales, érode la confiance dans les institutions, met en péril la justice et l’État […]

Accélérer la mise en œuvre de la CNUCC en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Sahel Lire la suite »

Tropical cyclone Freddy set to further weaken cholera-hit Malawi

“Malawi is really experiencing the deadliest cholera outbreak in its recorded history – nothing less than that – and the country is also struggling to respond to an earlier outbreak and ongoing COVID-19 cases across the nation,” said Rudolf Schwenk, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Malawi Representative. In an update to journalists in Geneva, Mr. Schwenk […]

Tropical cyclone Freddy set to further weaken cholera-hit Malawi Lire la suite »

Rediscovery of the Elusive Fairy Lantern: Thismia kobensis Emerges After 30 Years

As the moniker fairy lantern denotes, it looks like a tiny lantern that illuminates the dark forest floor. Credit: Kenji Suetsugu Green leaves and the ability to photosynthesize were once considered hallmarks of plants. However, some plants have evolved to obtain their nutrients in alternative ways, such as through symbiotic relationships with other organisms. An […]

Rediscovery of the Elusive Fairy Lantern: Thismia kobensis Emerges After 30 Years Lire la suite »

Toblerone is removing the Matterhorn image from its chocolate packaging

Toblerone will remove the Matterhorn from its packaging when part of its chocolate production is moved from Switzerland to Slovakia, the BBC has learned. The pyramid-shaped packaging, which features the Alpine peak, will undergo a label change and include the signature of its founder, the manufacturer said. The image of the 4478m peak will be […]

Toblerone is removing the Matterhorn image from its chocolate packaging Lire la suite »

World Congress for Intelcultural and Intereligious Dialogue president Gustavo Guillerme presented its 2023-2045 peace project in Israel

In the City of Jerusalem, on March 1 and 2, 2023, the President of the World Congress of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, “A Path to Peace“, Mr. Gustavo Guillermé, presented the Project 2023-2045 for peace. The first forest of the American Continent Chapter, “A Path to Peace in Memory of the Victims of the Shoah“, […]

World Congress for Intelcultural and Intereligious Dialogue president Gustavo Guillerme presented its 2023-2045 peace project in Israel Lire la suite »