Nom de l’auteur/autrice :EuropeanTimes

New batch of armored vehicles Kirpi for Ukraine – this time with remotely controlled combat module

The second batch of Kirpi armored personnel carriers manufactured by the Turkish company BMC has already arrived in Ukraine. BMC Kirpi armored vehicle with automatic weapon station on top – illustrative photo. Image credit: BMC The news about the arrival of these combat vehicles was announced by the Ukrainian military on social networks. The initial […]

New batch of armored vehicles Kirpi for Ukraine – this time with remotely controlled combat module Lire la suite »

Introduction to Explainer Videos – Technology Org

Explainer videos are becoming increasingly popular, but what exactly are they and how do they simplify complex concepts? Explainer videos provide a concise and engaging method of delivering information in response to the time constraints and impatience of today’s fast-paced world. A video camera – illustrative photo. Image credit: Christian Wiediger via Unsplash, free license […]

Introduction to Explainer Videos – Technology Org Lire la suite »

Building inter-regional cooperation to combat crimes in the fisheries sector 

27 September 2022 – 58 million people employed. 214 million tonnes produced. 20.2 kg consumed per person each year. These statistics, from the Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2022 State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, demonstrate the formidable impact and breadth of the global fisheries sector.  However, the immense scale and growth of the fisheries sector […]

Building inter-regional cooperation to combat crimes in the fisheries sector  Lire la suite »

The simple truth about ECT: No one should be given shock treatment

ECT works by damaging the brain. ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) involves the application of two electrodes to the head to pass electricity through the brain with the goal of causing an intense seizure or convulsion. The process always damages the brain, resulting each time in a temporary coma and often a flatlining of the brain waves, […]

The simple truth about ECT: No one should be given shock treatment Lire la suite »

Renewable energy: MEPs strike deal with Council to boost use of green energy | News | European Parliament

MEPs and the Swedish Presidency of the Council informally agreed to raise the share of renewables in the EU’s final energy consumption to 42.5% by 2030, under the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Member states should strive to achieve 45%. The legislation will also speed up procedures to grant permits for new renewable […]

Renewable energy: MEPs strike deal with Council to boost use of green energy | News | European Parliament Lire la suite »

The French Parliament recognized the “Holodomor” as genocide

On Tuesday, the French parliament recognized as genocide the great famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s – the Holodomor, caused by the Soviet authorities and which caused the death of millions of people, France Press reported. In a resolution passed almost unanimously (by 168 votes to 2), MPs called on the government to follow […]

The French Parliament recognized the “Holodomor” as genocide Lire la suite »

UNICEF sounds alarm over fast-spreading cholera outbreaks in Africa

“The cholera outbreak in eastern and southern Africa isn’t just an outbreak; it’s an emergency for children,” the agency said. Calling for $171 million in funds to support 28 million people suffering in the region, UNICEF said tailored responses are already reaching many impacted, but more must urgently be done. Tailored life-saving responses The agency […]

UNICEF sounds alarm over fast-spreading cholera outbreaks in Africa Lire la suite »

Mental health and psychological care of the child: the impasses of the “all biological” approach

The recent report published by the High Council for Family, Childhood and Age (HCFEA) warns of the psychological suffering of children and adolescents, as well as the chronic lack of resources allocated to care, education and social intervention in mental health in France.

Mental health and psychological care of the child: the impasses of the “all biological” approach Lire la suite »

Ukraine: End war so children can ‘regain their childhoods’

Some 13 months of often brutal fighting and attacks on civilians since Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine began, have left millions displaced, with key civilian infrastructure in need of urgent protection. Ensuring nuclear safety Touring the area around Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, Rafael Mariano Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met with […]

Ukraine: End war so children can ‘regain their childhoods’ Lire la suite »