Nom de l’auteur/autrice :EuropeanTimes

Guterres dispatches UN ‘relief chief’ to Sudan as humanitarian crisis nears ‘breaking point’

“The scale and speed of what is unfolding is unprecedented in Sudan. We are extremely concerned by the immediate as well as long-term impact on all people in Sudan, and the broader region,” UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said in a statement. The UN again urged the warring sides to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, allow safe […]

Guterres dispatches UN ‘relief chief’ to Sudan as humanitarian crisis nears ‘breaking point’ Lire la suite »

Frogs may become extinct due to the insatiable appetite for frog legs – about 2 billion frogs have been consumed in nearly 10 years

Europe’s hunt for frog legs could drive amphibians to ‘irreversible extinction’, warns new study. Between 2010 and 2019, European Union countries imported 40.7 million kilograms of legs – the equivalent of around two billion frogs. Most of the frogs were purchased from Indonesia, Albania and Turkey. But Europe’s voracious appetite for frogs is decimating native […]

Frogs may become extinct due to the insatiable appetite for frog legs – about 2 billion frogs have been consumed in nearly 10 years Lire la suite »

INTERVIEW: ‘Extremely difficult conversations’: Seeking justice for sexual abuse victims

She shared with UN News her on-the-ground accounts of “extremely difficult conversations” with victims and their children, and how the UN is addressing issues from child support to DNA testing. Jane Connors of Australia is the first Victims’ Rights Advocate for the United Nations. UN News: How would you assess progress made to date? Jane […]

INTERVIEW: ‘Extremely difficult conversations’: Seeking justice for sexual abuse victims Lire la suite »

“Free Uzbekistan” Report to the 23rd Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons

By Hasanboy Burhanov, founder of the political opposition movement Erkin O’zbekiston (Free Uzbekistan). A report in English, distributed to the participants of the 23rd Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons organised by the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings.  Hofburg Congress Center Vienna (Austria) 18.04.2023  […]

“Free Uzbekistan” Report to the 23rd Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons Lire la suite »

New UK law curtails key civil and political rights: UN rights chief

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, called the Public Order Bill “deeply troubling legislation”, after it completed its passage through parliament on Wednesday. “It is especially worrying that the law expands the powers of the police to stop and search individuals, including without suspicion; defines some of the new criminal offences in a […]

New UK law curtails key civil and political rights: UN rights chief Lire la suite »

China: ‘Vocational training’ programmes for Tibetans carry risk of forced labour

“Hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have reportedly been ‘transferred’ from their traditional rural lives to low-skilled and low-paid employment since 2015, through a programme described as voluntary, but in practice their participation has reportedly been coerced,” they said in a statement.  ‘Cultural and political indoctrination’  They noted that the labour transfer programme is facilitated by […]

China: ‘Vocational training’ programmes for Tibetans carry risk of forced labour Lire la suite »

More action needed in the EU to reduce the impacts of chemical pesticides

News ItemPublished 26 Apr 2023 ImagePerry Wunderlich, NATURE@work /EEA Despite progress in some EU Member States to reduce their use, pesticide pollution still poses significant risks to human health and the environment, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. To reverse this, much more needs to be done to achieve the EU’s […]

More action needed in the EU to reduce the impacts of chemical pesticides Lire la suite »

In March-April, 12 Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to 76 years in prison in all

Not only Russian citizens disagreeing about Russia’s war on Ukraine or asking Putin to stop the war are sentenced to heavy prison terms. Jehovah’s Witnesses whose organization was banned by the Supreme Court in 2017 are arrested and sentenced to huge prison terms for merely practicing their faith in private. Moreover, SOVA CENTER, one of […]

In March-April, 12 Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to 76 years in prison in all Lire la suite »

Russia, Moscow City Court orders oppressive liquidation of human Rights NGO SOVA Center

As reported by SOVA Center, the remaining most active human rights NGO in Russia, the Russian oppressive fist is now falling on them. We reproduce here the statement of SOVA: On April 27, 2023 Judge Vyacheslav Polyga of the Moscow City Court considered the request filed by Russia’s Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Regional Public Association “Sova” and decided to approve the request. Our petition requesting postponement of the proceedings until the Gagarinskiy District […]

Russia, Moscow City Court orders oppressive liquidation of human Rights NGO SOVA Center Lire la suite »

The first prison sentence for opposing the war on religious grounds was issued in Russia

A 63-year-old Russian Orthodox Christian has become the first person to be sentenced to prison for expressing his opposition to Russia’s war in Ukraine in religious terms. Mikhail Simonov is accused of spreading “false information” about the Russian armed forces based on “political hatred” over two social media posts in which he condemned the Russian […]

The first prison sentence for opposing the war on religious grounds was issued in Russia Lire la suite »

Stop deporting Haitians: Rights experts’ appeal to countries in Americas

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) sounded the alarm after 36,000 people of Haitian origin were deported during the first three months of the year, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Some 90 per cent were deported from the Dominican Republic. Violations and abuses against Haitians The […]

Stop deporting Haitians: Rights experts’ appeal to countries in Americas Lire la suite »

UN condemns ‘inexcusable’ deadly airstrikes in Ukraine

Dozens of civilians across the country were killed and injured, and homes and other vital infrastructure, destroyed.  More than 20 people were killed in the small central city of Uman alone, when their apartment building collapsed after it was hit, according to international media reports.  ‘Inexcusable’ attacks  “It is just inexcusable that in places like […]

UN condemns ‘inexcusable’ deadly airstrikes in Ukraine Lire la suite »

UN expert urges Japan to ‘step up pressure’ on Myanmar junta

“The international community’s response to the crisis in Myanmar is failing, and that failure has contributed to a lethal downward spiral that is devastating the lives of millions of people,” Tom Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, said at the end of a 10-day official visit to Japan. Referring to […]

UN expert urges Japan to ‘step up pressure’ on Myanmar junta Lire la suite »

About sincerity and adaptability – Rules of life of Archbishop of Grodno Artemy

On April 22, 2023, Archbishop Artemy (Kishchenko) of Grodno (hierarch of the Belarusian Church) passed away to the Lord. He gave interviews to Pravmir more than once, and many of his wise thoughts will always be relevant. Let’s remember them. And let us remember Vladyka Artemy in prayers. About our Christianity We light candles, read […]

About sincerity and adaptability – Rules of life of Archbishop of Grodno Artemy Lire la suite »