Nom de l’auteur/autrice :EuropeanTimes

Arbitrary detention still widespread in Mexico, rights expert warns

In a statement concluding a 12-day visit there, the UN expert group said that reforms including the transition to an accusatory criminal procedure, adherence to international human rights laws and introduction of a National Registry of Detentions, and an increasingly human-rights centred legal system are significant achievements. ‘Catalyst for ill-treatment’ However, they noted that “these […]

Arbitrary detention still widespread in Mexico, rights expert warns Lire la suite »

ERC 2023: Poland and Switzerland Win Mars Competition with Best Robotic Design!

The 9th edition of the prestigious European Rover Challenge (ERC) space robotics competition has concluded this Sunday. After intense competition on the world’s largest artificial Marsyard, team AGH Space Systems emerged as the best robotic team, meeting the rigorous demands of the jury. Second and third place were won by two teams from Switzerland: FHNW […]

ERC 2023: Poland and Switzerland Win Mars Competition with Best Robotic Design! Lire la suite »

IT Recruitment Poland – an Effective Way to find IT Developers in Poland

If you are looking or have been looking for IT workers, you know very well that it is not at all easy to find trustworthy professionals. We live in unstable times, constant insecurity results in business failures. That’s why we so badly need reliable colleagues and effective solutions. One way to succeed is to work […]

IT Recruitment Poland – an Effective Way to find IT Developers in Poland Lire la suite »

Next-Gen Hardware Trends: A Glimpse into Future Possibilities

The race to introduce the newest hardware generation is an ongoing effort in the ever-changing world of technology. Hardware is about to enter a transformative era that promises to change how we interact with our devices, from faster CPUs to more immersive screens. As we gaze into the innovation crystal ball, several enticing trends show […]

Next-Gen Hardware Trends: A Glimpse into Future Possibilities Lire la suite »

Solar Orbiter closes in on the solution to a 65-year-old solar mystery

The Sun’s atmosphere is called the corona. It consists of an electrically charged gas known as plasma with a temperature of around one million degrees Celsius. Its temperature is an enduring mystery because the Sun’s surface is only around 6000 degrees. The corona should be cooler than the surface because the Sun’s energy comes from […]

Solar Orbiter closes in on the solution to a 65-year-old solar mystery Lire la suite »

UN teams support burn victims amidst Karabakh crisis

UN World Health Organization (WHO) teams in Goris, Armenia, are tirelessly working to assist not only the vast numbers of refugees fleeing the Karabakh region but also to provide urgent medical support to individuals grappling with severe burn injuries resulting from a massive fuel depot explosion that occurred last week amidst the exodus. Source link

UN teams support burn victims amidst Karabakh crisis Lire la suite »

Could Insights from Ants Help People Build Better Transportation Networks?

When building nests, ants strike a balance between transportation efficiency and architectural constraints. Researchers say that observation could help humans design more efficient transportation systems tailored to specific needs. Could ants’ nests hold the secret to reducing traffic congestion on the 405 Freeway? In a new study, UCLA biologists discovered insights about how ants build […]

Could Insights from Ants Help People Build Better Transportation Networks? Lire la suite »

The Essential Features and Benefits of Healthcare Management Systems in Modern Healthcare

Running a hospital or healthcare center is not easy. It requires more than just a highly skilled staff. It demands efficiency, quality service, and top-notch operations. One essential tool in today’s healthcare landscape is a robust healthcare management system software. While shifting from older systems to modern healthcare software may seem costly, it is an […]

The Essential Features and Benefits of Healthcare Management Systems in Modern Healthcare Lire la suite »

Desalination System Could Produce Freshwater Cheaper Than Tap Water

MIT engineers and collaborators developed a solar-powered desalination device that avoids salt-clogging issues of other designs. Engineers at MIT and in China aim to turn seawater into drinking water with a completely passive device inspired by the ocean and powered by the sun. A tilted ten-stage desalination system prototype is located into a “boat-like” reservoir. […]

Desalination System Could Produce Freshwater Cheaper Than Tap Water Lire la suite »

Protecting older persons’ rights benefit everyone: UN chief

In a message commemorating Sunday’s International Day of Older Persons, the UN chief underscored the pervasive issue of ageism in society and the vulnerability of older persons in the face of crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, poverty and climate emergencies. “Addressing these and other issues is a human rights imperative that will benefit everyone,” […]

Protecting older persons’ rights benefit everyone: UN chief Lire la suite »

CIR ecumenical conference 2023 in Sweden

The 22nd gathering of the Conference of International Interconfessional Religious took place this year in Sweden between 31st August and 5th September. 43 monks and nuns from 8 different Church traditions were represented (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Reformed, Lutheran, Coptic, Bulgarian Orthodox and Syrian Orthodox). What participants held in common was their monastic life and […]

CIR ecumenical conference 2023 in Sweden Lire la suite »

Rishi Sunak is considering banning cigarettes in Britain

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is considering the introduction of measures to deprive the next generation of the opportunity to buy cigarettes, the Guardian reported. Sunak is considering anti-smoking measures similar to laws announced last year by New Zealand, which include a ban on the sale of tobacco to anyone born after January 1, 2009, […]

Rishi Sunak is considering banning cigarettes in Britain Lire la suite »

How Costa Rica drafted Latin America’s first ever anti-hate strategy

“Costa Rican society does not teach us that there are indigenous people in this country,” she said. “It is a form of discrimination, making the existence of indigenous peoples invisible.” Faustina Torres belongs to the Bribri indigenous community in Costa Rica. Amid an alarming trend of spiraling hate speech and discrimination online platforms, Costa Rica, with […]

How Costa Rica drafted Latin America’s first ever anti-hate strategy Lire la suite »

All the heads of Central Asian countries meet in Berlin

By Hasanboy Burhanov (founder and leader of political opposition movement Erkin O’zbekiston/Free Uzbekistan) Is the “C5+1” format German in nature, regarding the upcoming meeting in Berlin? On Friday, September 29th, a meeting will take place in Berlin between the leadership of Germany and the presidents of Kazakhstan – Tokayev, Kyrgyzstan – Japarov, Tajikistan – Rahmon, […]

All the heads of Central Asian countries meet in Berlin Lire la suite »